So it' s rainny here in Greensboro and it's not stopping for anything. In some places it's up to your ankles...just another sign of the times I guess...
What are horns for?
What are horns for??
Well I thought they were to get peoples attention not to piss people off... I guess I learned my lesson.
So the light turned red this morning and the guy in front of me wasn't going, so I decided to give a little honk you know to let him know the light turned green...oh he didn't like that much he decided to go then put his brakes on to "show me who's boss" I didn't mean it with any ill will but I guess that's how it's misiturpreted. We need out of this mad house called Greensboro... people are crazy here.
So also are ward got so big we had to split it. I had never experienced this before but we're in the new ward of Summerfield. I am excited all except that we meet at 1:30-4:30 P.M. which wouldn't pose a problem other than my work, I was told is a weekend job and that I would have to work sundays...which takes away from my salvation (not taking the sacrement) I am very worried about my job but what is more important? humm...I know! work is only open from 1-6 on sunday and yup (counting getting ready and winding down) That's pretty much church hours. man-O-man. How does this look being a manager? (not so good eh)

I love the Gosple with all my heart and want to show it and my savior that same respect. I guess I got myself all worked up...but the fact of the matter is no one here understands the BIG picture if you know what I mean.
I guess I should call this the venter blog. It feels good though to let it all out...I am just nerviose for work and what they are going to say...:) oh well in the big picture it doesn't matter....:)
I love you all and thanks for listening.
grateful to see a new post on here. You should vent more often! Eric and I will keep you and your salvation in our prayers! :) or your job! Sure love and miss you! Sara
thank you berry know what sounds great right now? is Jamba Juice or zuka juice.
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