Josh and I just got finished riding our bikes at the park. I want to make it a point to ride them at least every other day...I don't see why it's not possible. I mean today there was a heat advisory and we made it 2 laps around (which is pretty great I think). Well off to my b-day dinner with Josh.
Peace and Love
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Birthday week!
I just got off of work and I am just wondering what the day will bring....
I love when I get home not only do I have a husband that loves me and that is waiting for me I have an excited puppy! Maggie is the best...she knows exactly when I get home from work. Josh says when I am not home when she thinks I am sapposto be she's pittiful till I get there. Mostly though I am so glad shes excited to see me.
She's grown up so much! I can't believe how small she really was when we first got her.
Well so like I said in my previous post...I am turning 26! I still can't believe it! My mom had like 3 children by the age of 26. What does a 26 year old act like? What does a 26 year old do? These are some of the thoughts that enter my mind.
Well I guess now is as good as time as any to clean the homefront.
Peace and love
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Home again Home again giggity giggity!
Every time I tried to get a picture of Josh he flipped the bird.
John Reed (John Deer, reed spelled backwards)
I couldn't get this picture to work but I thought that this was beautiful! It's "How great thou art" ingraved in wood.
Hey all,
Josh and I have been home for a few days now and are trying to get back in the swing of things.
It's been nice to be able to go on vacation for at least a few days.
For those who don't know Josh and I went to Gatlinburg TN for the week. Let me give you a brief summary about the activities we partook in.
First Josh and I went river tubing. We paid 14 bucks to get 2 hours of fun and some good ol' BBQ! Josh took a bit of a spill. His tube got caught on a rock and he flipped over cutting his ankle. It's OK though we patched him up. We had a great time....aside from Josh "almost loosing his life on the rapids that day".
The next few days were filled with Shopping in Gatlinburg Driving through the smokies. We decided to got to Cherokee NC Indian reservation a day early (where they ship in bead work and other native American crafts from out west) to get our car inspected. That was an experience in itself. Josh and I got to Cherokee and tried to find a place to get an inspection. after driving over 60 miles we finally found out they don't do the full inspection in Cherokee and that we had another 30 miles to go. We went the next 30 miles to Maggie valley and got that finished and were pretty much done for the day after that.
Next time we won't try to mix business with pleasure.
Today Maggie and I went to the park for a walk. She is always so curious, so ready to explore, and is dragging me along the way. Sometimes I wish that's how my life was. She's such a sweet dog and teaches me so much...I guess what I am saying is that I can wait for motherhood. I can only imagine if I am this way about my puppy girl Maggie...I am in for it being a mommy.
Who has seen the show If you really knew me?
It's, I think one of the best shows on right now. It's in a sense motivational speakers who travel going to high schools around the country taking to kids about breaking out of comfort zones, not being so judgmental, breaking down there walls they build. It's called Challenge day. I found out about it through two of the speakers. They were in Louisville KY flying out on Continental Airlines.
I think the program could have been used in my high school.
I was in what the called resource classes pretty much all my life (since age 8). My parents divorce was right around then. I always felt that I less than other kids because I was a little slower developmentally. Kids would make fun of me for the way I dressed and the different things I would try to do to stand out. There were things that I would do because I wanted acceptance from anyone who would give it to me. That may have been why I was so bitter about those in High school who were happy. Because I looked up to some of them. needless to say it would have helped alot to know there struggles and to have them aware of my struggles. Anyway Check it out it's on MTV.
On a more hilaroius note.
It's my birthday on the 22 and My lovely Brother and sister in Law sent me a gift in the mail. It wasn't the gift so much as what it said on the envelope that had me rollin'

I love my family!
well until next time when I am a bit older and over my shart problem.
-Laura Sheets
P.S. I don't have a tattoo it's Henna ;)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I guess it's been a few days

I worked on two charters for about 800 soldiers. It was a great experience to have. They had a group of about 10 or 15 of them helping load there bags. Which was nice because my manager told me to hop in the belly of the plane and start loading. there were about 147 bags all about 50 lbs or so (they carry there life in the bags). I would have to say the belly of the plane is only about 3 of 4 feet tall so all 4 of us had to crouch down. I was throwing the bags to a solider behind me and he was throwing them to two guys I worked with. It was a work out. I am so glad I had them there and every were else! I am grateful for the men and women who fight for our freedom! :)

It's August 3rd today, 19 more days till I turn 26! I still can't believe that I am going to be 26. It's not at all that I am sad or upset. I am actually happy I am getting older. Things in life are going at a steady idle but I know once Josh finishes school and I have kids life will fly past me. Maybe it's just my inner teen talking but It's going to be so weird to have kids. I see others have kids and there way younger than me it kind of makes me baby hungry. Then I stop and think about what it would actually be like and I think I can wait for at least another year. I just don't want to be one of those old 50 year old moms with a 10 year old. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :)
Anyway for my birthday Josh and I are going to Gatlinburg TN. I've never been there before but as far as Josh is concerned it's a great place to go. I know we will have fun! Where going tubing down a river all day, going to go to the Aquarium, look at bears in the smokies and find a bunch of other adventures to go on. I'll be sure to tell everyone about it.
(I can't seem to move my pictures around so the very top one is from Gatlinburg TN off the web)
Well today is my day off so I need to go find something useful to do with it! :)
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