Monday, March 31, 2008


Oh goodness I should be working on my assignments but guess what I am not I am just hanging out listening to some girls complain about a professor and two guys admit to each other that "man I need a cigarette!" Like its life or death...maybe just death for who though? Me the people around them or me? This girl in my class on Friday was just sitting in class with a real lazy look on her face and she had mentioned she couldn't breath. I didn't think she was that serious until she kept going in and out of the room and didn't come back...she had stayed in the stairwell crying and she had said her feet and hands went you even have to ask if she smokes? nope..not's very apparent...what is so appealing to smokers? well anyway I am glad we had this talk.

1 comment:

Eric and Sara said...

I agree lou! No smoking is so bad here too. Its like cigarette smoke is oxygen to these people. I'm just glad I don't crave that! It stinks so flippin bad, oh yeah, and then there's death.